Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Big Boot: Bridal Style

I am a true Minnesota girl. However, many of my friends & family are not. When I began working here, I of course told all my friends & family that I would be working at the historic St. James Hotel in Red Wing, Minnesota. Everyone's response?

"You mean where the boots are made???"

Heck yes where the boots are made! Red Wing, Minnesota is home to Red Wing Shoes!
Now, if you've been reading the St. James Hotel blog for quite some time now, you'll remember when we moved the Big Boot. Just joining us? Click here for the original post about our 'Big Boot on the Move.' Here's a general summary: Red Wing Shoes built a Big Boot. It's pretty awesome. (See below).

Ever since the Big Boot was stowed in its permanent home over at the Red Wing Shoe store, I have been eagerly awaiting a wedding picture involving the Big Boot. So you can only imagine my excitement when Jenna Sefkow, of Jenna Sefkow Photography posted these two little gems to her site.

Yes...she's sitting on the classic Red Wing Boot Style No. 877. It is a size 638 1/2 D. She is also wearing the matching boots - of course in a much more appropriate size.

If you'd like to see some more pictures of this adorable baseball-inspired wedding, check out Jenna's facebook page!

Me = bad blogger on occasion. We've been really busy at the St. James Hotel this last few weeks that I haven't even gotten a chance to blog! Of course, I'll never be too upset if I'm too busy with weddings!

Brian brought over some great flowers last week for me. Tulips are always lovely as well as roses. He also put in some big, full green spider mums, which I really love!

Interestingly enough, our wedding last weekend uses the green spider mums as a base for their very beautiful centerpieces. Check those out here! Jenna Sefkow did a great job behind the camera!

So this week, Brian over at Inspired Home & Flower Studio brought over some lovely lilies in a very unique vase that is suspended in a wrought iron arm. Pretty nifty!

Brian shared with my a great little piece of advice as well! If you look closely, you'll notice the little pollen-pods inside the lily are missing. Those are, in fact, the part of the lily that can stain your dress! So, a quick tip to a no-mess bouquet? Pop those little pollen-pods right off, and you'll be clean & pollen free!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's Finally May!

Well, May is finally here! Minnesota is officially in bloom! The lilacs have bloomed, and my flowering crab-apple tree at home is a beautiful shade of pink.

The view from the Summit Room is just as gorgeous as ever. With a little bit of rain in the upcoming week, this lush & picturesque paradise will be even prettier!

While I'm sure many of you don't want to have rain on your wedding day; rain before your wedding day is very good thing! (Some people say that rain on your wedding is actually good luck). However, a nice shower a day or two before the big day makes everything super fresh and green. So...remember pray for rain before the wedding!

And speaking of water, I got a little ambitious when watering my arrangement from Brian over at Inspired Home & Flower Studio and managed to spill water all over my desk. See it in the bottom corner of the picture? Oops!

This week Brian brought over Pink Lilies coupled with Purple Lisianthus and Gorse for the greenery. I really love the lisianthus. They look to me like frilly roses. And the purple & pink is perfect for this beautiful May day! Thanks Brian!