Monday, April 5, 2010

Keep Calm & Carry On

Have you noticed anything different about the St. James Hotel wedding blog? I sure hope so! Recently, I stumbled upon the ridiculously cute and chic, Shabby Blogs! If you haven't checked out all their unique blog backgrounds yet, you really should!

Check them out!

They frequently add new things as well! This morning, I just added a saying that I found on their site,

"Keep calm & carry on." (Please see to the right!)

Of course, this phrase can apply to almost any/every walk of life. In fact, I'm finding it more and more useful in my own daily travels.

But I really think the concept of 'Keep calm & carry on,' really works if you're planning a wedding. Afterall, before you know it, it will be your wedding day. There's no stopping it! So, you only have one choice, and that is to carry on. And usually its a lot more fun if you're calm.

Remember this about planning a wedding, various things will go wrong. If you're hoping for a day without any hiccups at all, I'm sorry but that probably won't happen.

I'm not saying that everything bad will happen. But not everything will go exactly as planned. However, it can still be a perfect day. Just remember to Keep Calm & Carry On!

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